Thursday, October 29, 2015

CPS board approves new charter school in Brighton Park

For the last several months, thousands of students, parents, teachers and community members from across the Southwest side have stood united in opposition to charter school expansion that drains resources from community schools. However, despite immense opposition, the Chicago Board of Education voted unanimously today to open a new Noble Street Charter Network high school in Brighton Park. This new school will inevitably make it more difficult for Kelly High School to continue providing excellent opportunities and programs to its students in the coming years.
While BPNC is horrified by the Board’s disregard for the future of neighborhood high schools, We are inspired by the courageous elementary and high school students and their parents who have fought and will continue to fight for their schools and the incredible teachers and administrators who support them. Thank you so much for your bravery in speaking out against the systematic privatization of education that is disenfranchising communities of their right to quality neighborhood schools.
Community schools on the Southwest side cannot continue to be undermined by needless charter expansion that destabilizes communities. BPNC remains committed to building sustainable neighborhood high schools and is launching a new campaign for equitable education on the Southwest side. We demand progressive revenue solutions to the current budget crisis, adequate per pupil allotment to schools, and an elected, representative school board that is accountable to students and their families.
Even though the voices of thousands of community members were ignored today, historic actions have been taken and together we will continue to demand equitable funding for our schools. For more information, please contact Olivia Abrecht at or at 773-523-7110.

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